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Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-04-29  |  67KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: book | reckoner | sky
OCR: Customizing Continuous Axes JMP automatically scales continuous- -variable axes in graphical displays to include all nonexcluded points. You can customize any continuous axis by double -clicking in the axis area and completing dialog with the following options: Increment is the num ber of units between labeled ticks on the axis Minimum andMaximum determine the edaes of the graph Major Ticks are labelled on the axis and are determined by the incrementMinor Ticks can be added between major ticks both axes are interval, then the dialog has additional major and minor Grid check boxes for requesting grid lines Format sets the tick labels to Best, Fixed Decimal, or Date values your axis is JMP date value two additional -dod -up menus give you options for the date display and the increment of dat ...